Client is no longer in active development as of 5/16/2020, please use the Node.JS Client - Link
(note: if you dont understand what the change is, and it looks technical, chances are you don't care about it)
1.010 - 3/9/16
- Added new packet and images for the new item "Staff of dead Istari". This item will be built on soon and fuctionality and information on the item will be released soon.
1.008 - 12/28/14
- Removed all the secure java stuff that was added to try to make the applet more accesible due to the new java protocols. To ensure that the applet is improved, it should be numbered 1.008 on the titlebar.
- Increased the size from 600 x 400 default to 1024 x 768 to compensate for bigger monitors and resolutions.
1.007 - 2/24/13
- Allowed the functionality for users to esc out of some dialogue boxes.
- Remember them annoying dings everytime you pressed a button on your keyboard? Aside from the Sign in process, those should all be eliminated.
1.006 - 10/12/05
- Reworked the examine windows input method, moved it to a seperate new object for now to preserve the original object.
- Reworked socket error handling to allow for reconnecting. Currently works with server outages and some normal socket errors.
- Amped up debugging for the pending client with a perl script to edit out the debugging for released versions. Users of the test client can check their java console in the event of common failures to get a 'Debug Dump' to send to Wizards for analization. (Personal Note: I hate Java, why does it make me build a battleship to cross a creek?)
1.005 - 10/06/05
- Removed Mana from the status panel.
- Added Tokens
to the status panel.
- Added Mana to the equipment panel as a bargraph.
- Shrank the fonts for numbers in the bargraphs and displays next to them, and the status panel upp right to 11pt font, lets see if we can shrink that entire area down a pixel or three.
- Did some internal work to try to cut down the jar files size.
- Reworked the way that the client records delay durations, maybe it will give actual results now?
- Reworked the way that the client displays colors for the bargraphs using hex values instead of color wheels, changed mana to range from white to black going through a set of blue colors.
- Reworked the rework of colors, mana ranges from sky blue to a dark blue/green color. less harsh.
- Moved the focus grab to the chat panel instead of the message panel for buttons, maybe this will solve the issue of printing?
1.004 - 10/01/05
- Ping requests now pass the delay experienced to the server for more debugging.
- Cleaned up the ping request catching to be more picky.
- Added Tokens to the examine window, isn't this where the entire client editing process started?
- Added Amulets
and Charms
to the status panel. Their images are a bit ugly, but eh, whatever. Anyone got any better 17x17 pixel gifs for me?
1.003 - 09/21/05
- Added a PING / PONG capacity for checking time delays between client and server. The ping pong doesn't touch the sigwait causing freezes server side. Command is an emot of /ping.
- If a client notes a 2 second delay between button decisions it will request a ping from the server to confirm its ping time to be logged server side for debugging.
- Modified the handshake to include passing the beta client version to the server for logging. 1.18 clients handshake should still operate normaly.
- I think, key word, think, the test_client.cgi will force reloading the client now, which should fix our issue of needing to close out to load a new client.
1.002 - 09/18/05
- Reworked the focus grab to use textArea.requestFocus(); instead of textArea.requestFocusInWindow();, might solve some compatability issues with Microsofts VM.
- Added a flag to button decisions that only lets the KeyListener read the keyPressed if we're facing a button decision. This *might* eliminate some of the quirks with fast button pressing experienced on local clients.
1.001 - 09/13/05
- Added a focus grab to the encounter window, the space bar, or any button press, should return focus to the encounter window.
- Added serialize definitions to all classes as -8774683716313001058L.
- Fixed deprications of panel.addItem() and panel.delItem().
- Added a version counter to the title bar.