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Clone Realms

Here are the boards for the P4 hosted clone realms.


  1. Rise of Warriors

    Game located at http://www.phantasiarow.com, this was Link's clone he started in 2002. Come here to discuss it.

  2. Phantasia Ultimate

    Located at http://www.pultimate.net, This is the game drafted by the legendary Vegeta. Though he is not around his hard work is. Come discuss it here.

  3. Battle of Phantasia

    The game that HC was working on to integrate a clan system. Located at http://www.hcilam.com, come here to discuss it.

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  4. DarkEnigma

    DarkEnigma had three different clones, Knights of Phantasia, Return of the Dark Lord, and Arcania. I bought darkenigma.net to contain their awesomeness, and they are located respectively at : http://kop.darkenigma.net, http://rotdl.darkenigma.net, and http://arcania.darkenigma.net DarkEnigma (Stephen) may be dead, but his legacy lives on. For every Valar achieved in the clone realms. A P4 Angel gets his wings.
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