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Link last won the day on June 18 2020

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About Link

  • Birthday 09/30/1988

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  1. Link

    Discord Link Broken

    Should work. Sorry for the late reply....
  2. Scoreboard does load on the java client so it might be deprecated code on the new client. We will get it resolved.
  3. We here at Phantasia are going to try our darndest to get this resolved in a timely matter. I just ask you guys have patience with us
  4. That is a database problem, we will get it fixed.
  5. Pm me the account name and I will reset the passwords when I get on tonight after work. PM me some of your old character names. They could be waiting on a remake of your old account and I will see if they still exist.
  6. Link

    Can't access account

    Your character password has been reset to 12345, please change it to something appropriate.
  7. Link

    I CANT loade my char

    Nazguul has been reset. I will send you a private message with the new password.
  8. I have one, maybe it goes away if there are a bunch of characters. We will look into it.
  9. Link

    I CANT loade my char

    What is the character name?
  10. Why couldn't the image get uploaded here? What did it say?
  11. It is the shops fudge factor that was added in by Meepo. Makes it a gamble to order monsters sometimes.
  12. That is hilarious. We will mark that down for a future update. BUT we need to keep it more PG rated. Through your vile act you have developed a sickness. Seek medical attention and a priest. Something like that.
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