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Tantalus last won the day on August 14 2017

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  1. If you're on a character that is magic bolting you likely have more than enough brains to luckout a Thaumaturgist every time
  2. Wanting to start playing this version as I had always played the original p4 and pultimate in the past. I couldn't find anything on character classes or stats on the website. Any info on it? I have some guides from before, don't really have a ton of time lately. A lot of the pertinent character info can be found on pultimate's info pages however, the rest you can mostly extrapolate from leveling a character to 1-2 with charsheet screenshots.
  3. not getting any gems from quest turn ins. Like a bug? Does the text say you get them and it just doesn't give it to you or is there no mention of gems at all? Which quests did you notice this with?
  4. Some of the new classes might not work with it. I can try to get it set up right some time. Go though the classes, try them all notate the ones that work and the ones that dont. Will do! I'll keep a list.
  5. lol. LOL. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. http://phorums.phantasia5.com/wcf/images/smilies/emojione/1f606.pngI'm gonna be running through another character later today when I get back to get some details for a guide I'm working on, maybe I'll pay a little more attention this time
  6. TantalusF has Apprentice. Congratulations. Awesome! Thank you! http://phorums.phantasia5.com/wcf/images/smilies/emojione/1f44d.png
  7. Good Job, Tantalus. What is your account name on RoW? Tantalus account name. My characters are always some variation like TantalusF
  8. Did all 20 quests on my character TantalusMa, went to the quest center and got the item, it gave it to me as soon as I entered and for every tick within the quest center. Gwaihir to edge, stepped off and dead, all 5 lives. http://phorums.phantasia5.com/wcf/images/smilies/emojione/1f62d.png That's how it's supposed to work isn't it? Maybe I'm remembering wrong
  9. # Name Strength Brains Speed Energy Experience Treasure Type Flock % 0 A Hydro Drone 12 14 16 24 59 0 62 1 A Leech 4 19 29 30 66 0 73 2 An Urisk 13 30 15 46 127 1 3 3 Shellycoat 28 21 18 63 226 2 0 4 A Naiad 21 62 27 58 378 2 11 5 A Nixie 22 58 28 108 604 3 6 6 A Glaistig 21 106 25 127 1002 3 0 7 A Mermaid 18 116 22 108 809 3 0 8 A Merman 24 115 23 109 808 4 0 9 A Siren 22 128 31 89 915 4 24 10 A Lamprey 14 67 33 156 1562 4 37 11 A Kopoacinth 26 36 26 206 2006 5 20 12 A Kelpie 61 25 24 223 4025 5 0 13 An Aspidchelone 114 104 19 898 10041 7 2 14 An Idiot 13 14 16 28 49 0 0 15 Modnar 15 23 20 40 101 5 12 16 A Cricket 2 4 30 15 45 1 36 17 A Moron 3 1 10 10 28 0 100 18 Some Green Slime 1 5 45 100 57 0 26 19 A Pixie 11 29 23 26 64 0 32 20 A Serpent 10 18 25 25 79 0 10 21 A Cluricaun 12 27 20 30 81 0 5 22 An Imp 22 30 14 40 92 0 1 23 A Centipede 3 8 18 15 33 0 61 24 A Beetle 2 11 21 26 44 0 48 25 A Fir Darrig 18 22 17 35 107 0 1 26 A Gnome 7 45 26 23 111 0 21 27 A Sprite 9 37 25 31 132 1 43 28 A Mimic 11 55 20 47 213 1 0 29 A Kobold 13 10 14 21 121 1 68 30 A Spider 6 11 28 28 154 1 57 31 An Uldra 14 37 21 32 93 1 6 32 A Crebain 5 11 31 31 112 1 81 33 A Bogle 19 15 16 35 157 1 15 34 A Fachan 9 40 15 45 139 1 10 35 A Stirge 2 6 35 25 101 1 95 36 A Ghillie Dhu 12 16 13 28 104 2 2 37 A Shrieker 2 62 27 9 213 2 0 38 A Carrion Crawler 12 20 20 65 142 2 42 39 A Trow 15 17 23 51 136 2 36 40 A Gnoll 20 25 15 40 166 2 61 41 A Smurf 23 28 19 57 189 2 57 42 A Warg 20 10 17 45 152 2 88 43 An Orc 25 13 16 26 141 2 92 44 A Killmoulis 30 19 8 75 175 3 22 45 A Hob-goblin 35 20 15 72 246 3 18 46 A Wichtlein 13 40 25 61 300 3 8 47 A Fenoderee 16 6 21 65 222 3 42 48 A Bwca 21 17 19 55 387 3 1 49 An Ogre 42 14 16 115 409 3 19 50 Scorpion 50 16 19 90 540 3 15 51 A Dodo 62 12 11 76 563 3 3 52 A Hydra 14 27 33 99 599 3 27 53 A Hamadryad 23 47 26 62 426 3 12 54 A Unicorn 27 57 99 57 669 4 0 55 An Owlbear 35 16 18 100 623 4 22 56 Black Annis 37 52 15 65 786 4 2 57 A Jubjub Bird 45 23 12 114 1191 4 0 58 A Peridexion 26 32 24 98 1300 5 2 59 A Chaladrius 8 49 37 172 1929 5 20 60 A Gwyllion 27 73 20 65 1888 5 4 61 A Cinomulgus 23 2 10 199 263 5 18 62 A Jello Blob 100 25 7 264 1257 4 13 63 A Cocodrill 39 28 24 206 1438 4 38 64 A Troll 75 12 20 185 1013 4 29 65 A Bonnacon 89 26 9 255 1661 4 14 66 A Gargoyle 22 21 29 200 1753 5 7 67 Smeagol 41 33 27 373 2487 5 0 68 A Wraith 52 102 22 200 3112 5 13 69 A Phooka 42 63 21 300 4125 5 12 70 A Vortex 101 30 31 500 6992 6 4 71 A Bear 120 10 38 600 7500 6 0 72 A Snotgurgle 143 19 26 525 5752 6 3 73 A Thaumaturgist 35 200 23 400 7628 6 0 74 A Bandersnatch 105 98 22 450 7981 6 3 75 A Harpy 103 49 24 263 7582 6 2 76 A Tigris 182 38 17 809 7777 6 3 77 A Coblynau 205 46 18 585 8333 6 2 78 Shelob 147 64 28 628 9003 7 0 79 A Gryphon 201 45 19 813 8888 7 1 80 A Chimaera 173 109 28 947 10006 7 0 81 A Jack-in-Irons 222 36 12 1000 8119 7 0 82 Smaug 251 76 26 1022 10077 7 0 83 A Balrog 500 100 25 705 10103 7 0 84 Argus 201 87 14 1500 9510 7 0 85 Cacus 256 43 19 1750 11012 7 0 86 A Cold-drake 301 102 24 1222 10888 8 0 87 Begion 403 154 10 1875 12013 8 0 88 A Red Dragon 342 141 23 1299 13649 8 0 89 Grendel 197 262 23 2000 14014 8 0 90 Centaur 160 190 34 1900 16000 8 5 91 Red Cap 143 50 35 1965 15015 8 0 92 A Nuckelavee 300 75 20 2185 15555 8 0 93 A Titan 302 1483 12 1625 17999 8 0 94 Saruman 55 373 17 2000 17101 11 0 95 A Nazgul 250 251 26 1011 12988 10 9 96 Scatha the Worm 406 208 20 1790 17999 9 0 97 Tiamat 506 381 29 2000 19001 9 0 98 A Jabberwock 185 136 25 2265 19984 9 0 99 Succubus/ Incubus 186 1049 27 2007 23256 9 0 100 Cerberus 236 96 29 2600 25862 9 0 101 Ungoliant 399 2398 37 2784 27849 12 0 102 Leanan-Sidhe 486 5432 45 3000 30004 13 0 103 The Dark Lord 9999 9999 31 19999 40005 14 0
  10. Fixed http://phorums.phantasia5.com/wcf/images/smilies/emojione/263a.png
  11. I fixed the formatting on this so it's readable again! I had to copy the original post to a notepad, then delete it all, move to source code, delete, back to text editor and delete again, then switch to source code and paste in the post and it was fixed for the most part, then went back to text editor and added some line breaks. Anyway, enjoy http://phorums.phantasia5.com/wcf/images/smilies/emojione/263a.png
  12. I get on every now and then, usually start 1 or 20 mages before giving up lol
  13. Yeah it's pretty dead most of the time. Still fun though. Nothing quite compares nowadays, Link's got some things in the works as far as updating it goes, like an HTML5 client or something. I used it awhile back and it was pretty neat. Java is deprecated so his hands are tied as far as getting the word out there goes. Have to wait until it's user friendly before really getting some masses in here.
  14. Oh. Where is the quest center? I guess I could search for it... I'm sure if I battle an army of morons I could find out. Lol. 1000, 1000 Expanding on this, you can calculate it the same way you calculate posts. For example posts are 100x^2 (1, 2, 3, 4) (100, 400, 900, 1600) Quest Centers are 1000x^2 (1, 2, 3, 4) (1000, 4000, 9000, 16000) If you're more familiar with common post locations, in a panicked bind you could just put a 0 after every post location
  15. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Found the trove at level 28. Grinded to level 30 and then went to the Mines of Moria (910,910) exactly and rested there for a good deal of time. I did not obtain any mithril plates for Quest #10. I then moved to another location within the Mines of Moria randomly--- no success there. I then tried to complete Quest #1 at (690,690), rested there long enough to degenerate. I have tried resting within cloak ( I know that is silly, but I was willing to try anything at this point) to make it go faster and uninterrupted. I have yet to get a pizza delivered to me and embrace the cold magical metal within the mines. HALP! For everything except the last 4 quests, you have to go to the quest center to pick up the quest from the list before you can get the items for them
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