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  1. Indeed - 2007 I believe. I lost all my chars - had to rebuild. Some old names reused, some new. Changed countries as well (back from UK to Aus). Perhaps see you on some time - how is sunny Toronto?
  2. Gadwin you A*se - how the hell are ya!
  3. Hey Link, after being comprehensively wiped out first time around - this time I managed the feat! The Tarresque has been defeated! Learned a few things on the way as well. The Arkenstone is mine! Took me back in age, gave speed boost etc. But knocked about 150k off my shield... Some big big hits in there. Job Done! Ding
  4. A reasonably minor one with the client - when I connect to the game I see: There is no ruler at this time. The current ruler is Dingle For clarity I am the current king. Cheers, Dingle
  5. Hey All (especially Link ) Game has been down for a week or so - wondering if its me or if others have the same prob? Cheers Ding
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